Thursday, October 6, 2011

A never ending journey

Genealogy is the study of family history. But it is really much more. For many people genealogical research helps them understand who they are. It can answer questions or create new ones. Some researchers are searching for information about their family’s medical history; others simply what to learn their ethnic origins. Although genealogical research starts as a search for a person’s family history researchers often learn new details about American and World History from the perspective of their ancestors. Genealogists are a varied group. Many are older, but there are also young people interested in their family history. There are genealogical societies for every ethnic group and region of the world.

I cannot pinpoint the exact moment I became enthralled by American history, but when I was 12 it occurred to me that I wanted know about my own family’s role in history. I was a veracious reader of historical fiction and it occurred to me that I should know how my family fit into the history I was reading about. So I began my own never ending journey to learn about my ancestors. My research began simply with me asking my parents and grandparents about themselves and their parents and grandparents. These interviews led to the discovering of documents and records my family already had at home, such as birth announcements or letters from relatives. My research is now much more in depth. I use online resources, published books and indexes, records on microfilm, and so much more. Genealogy is my passion and something I will be doing for the rest of my life. My current research goal is to find when and where all of my ancestors came from.

What first got you interested in researching your family?

Do you have a set research goal?

1 comment:

  1. I first became interested in genealogy because my grandma always told me stories about her life growing up during the dust bowl, and moving from Texas to Kentucky to have a better life. She told lots of stories but didn't keep much written down. My other grandma keeps written genealogy information very organized. I love how both have worked to retell family histories. I use the verbal stories and things they've told me in combination with looking up records online and on microfilm and I have been able to piece together some of my genealogy. I was stunned to learn that my husband's parents don't know much about their family history and can't wait until I have the time to delve into their histories. Someday I would love to present what I've found to my son so he'll have a history to keep track of. I've always cherished the memories of the things my grandmas have shared with me about their lives and our families and hope my son will enjoy our family histories as much as I have on day!
